Now that everything is completely global, jobs are going to the cheapest countries. IT was outsourced to India and now Ukraine and Romania. As a human population, we have the risk of massive upheaval across the globe.
Yet, when you think about a country in the context of the universe, it is an insignificant speck of dust floating on a pond of water on a rock. Really, we need to the think of the whole planet - all countries together. I wondered if we asked all the world leaders what they would focus on first if they were the leader of the world? And then the follow-up question - what is stopping us doing that right now? You can ask yourself the same question. And bringing it closer to home. If you were playing yourself in a movie about your life, how would you want the main character to be like and what would they do? Again, the follow up - what is stopping you doing that right now? What would that character in the movie do? |
August 2020