It is easier than ever for anyone to schedule a meeting so it is more important than ever that you do it right. Organisations are being crippled by poorly run meetings because no one is taking the time to prepare anymore. What do you want to get out of the meeting? Write that down. Put it in the subject of the meeting invite. It should start with a verb, preferably "decide". If it starts with "discuss", then cancel the meeting immediately. Better to spend your time canvassing opinions one on one until you know enough to propose some options and make a clear decision. Imagine receiving a meeting invite that read “Decide what products we are offering to Walmart next quarter.” Or another that read “Strategy catch up.” You know when one of these ends, after the decision is made. When does the other one end? Likely never. Sharpen your axe. Like this? Read Part II Fed up of meeting hell? Our iPhone app can help. Find out more.
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August 2020