There are lots of examples where school has failed entrepreneurs, who were clearly gifted to do something else. Less so, the examples of people who are doing okay, that have all the trappings of modern life. A mortgage, a car lease, living pay-day to pay-day. And for people that were disruptive at school, never did anything and ended up in prison? Well that is obviously their fault, isn’t it? The main things that school did not teach me that I will try to teach my kids:
There are so many books that I have read in my adult life that I wish someone had given me at school. Actually, that is a lie, because I would not have read them at school because school distilled in me a hatred for reading. If the only point of reading is to take a test, to see if you can remember the same things as the person who wrote the questions, is it any wonder that we have a generation of people that only read fiction to fall asleep, or worse do not read at all. What’s the best thing you learned after school that you think should be included? Fed up of meeting hell? Our iPhone app can help. Find out more.
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August 2020