It turns out I am pretty happy at my day job. Who knew? I hate the engagement survey every year. It somehow works the opposite and makes me think of all the bad things about the company. How refreshing, then, to stumble across this survey to prompt you to think ahead of March 31st – “International quit your crappy job day.” Not only is it much faster than a usual corporate engagement survey, but it focusses on the real things that make a difference in employees lives, such as trust and friendships in the office. I think this mirrors how my day-job company has turned itself around over the past few years. Being grateful of where you are and past achievements, but also knowing that there is still so far to improve. This has been the thought process that has helped me the most in my personal development. And why I am pursuing my side project whilst still working full time. I enjoy both. You need to decide if work is really holding you back from what you want to do or if it is just an excuse. There are two ways to find out: quit or start anyway. Fed up of meeting hell? Our iPhone app can help. Find out more.
What would you do with an extra hour per day? More from the Blog |
August 2020